The changes we are making to our planet are well documented, but when you witness the effects in person, and really look, the complexity of our impact is clear. It provokes a contradictory reaction: admiration of the tenacity of nature alongside fury at our inability to do anything substantial.

My stay in Lake Nagambie is continuing to influence my work. Lake Nagambie is in Northern Victoria it was created when 170 hectares of bushland was flooded in 1891. Over 130 years later tree stumps still jut out of the water regenerated as tiny islands populated by vegetation and used by the animals and birds of the lake. I looked at, drew and photographed the different shapes and forms of the stumps and they have created a lasting inspiration.
These new pieces are created from steel off-cuts and waste materials, primarily fabrics from Stitch Club and paint covered string from Arts for Life. They evolved as I worked and challenge the viewer with their curious organic spikey form.